Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to stop cursing on the web!
here are few tips we have for you. :)

People see swearing as a bad habit that may lead to other outrageous behavioural problems, sometimes excused as stress.

Pay attention to yourself and the people around when speaking. Notice every time you or someone else swears. Being aware of WHEN you swear is one of the first steps to being able to stop.

You may want to express yourself in a way that you won't be judged as low class - you really must want to stop the habit in order to challenge it. Children and adults will judge adults who swear as low-class and uneducated. If you are half-hearted or only doing it for a lark, you won't stop.

 It's easier said than done, as it requires concerted effort and constant self-feedback. Be goal-oriented and choose a period of time during which you will try not to swear. 

  • Why you think you swear.
  • Identify the triggers that you know will set you off (e.g., anger, certain company you keep, activities, music, TV programs, supermarket queues, weather...)
  • Think of ways you can either avoid or lessen these triggers.

Civilized and respectful conversation is not necessarily swearing contest, however it isn't ALWAYS a bad thing. Yet you owe it to yourself to find the vast array of other wonderful words your language provides to fill up your conversations. 

Ask for the help of non-swearing/infrequently swearing friends and family Make sure you pick non-judgmental helpers, though; you only want gentle reminders, not lectures or score-keeping. They may also have advice to offer on helping you to stop.

Think of less offensive words that can be easily substituted for swear words. Make a list of more accepted words to use than swear words and use them instead. This allows you to maintain your normal sentence structure even when you eliminate swear words. 

 Every time you swear put money in a swear jar for charity. This is something that should be done at work also, to encourage co-workers who swear to stop. 
When you go for a day, a week or similar time space, reward yourself with something - a CD, some clothing, a movie, a day free from chores.
Swearing won't stop overnight - if it has become a habit, it is second nature for you to respond this way. Don't beat yourself up about lapses. Like dieting, you simply stop doing the bad thing and start over again from that moment. It isn't fatal and it doesn't mean you'll never stop. It just means you are easing out of the old habit slowly and you're encountering a few hitches along the way. Keep trying!